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The Farrell Gean Accounting Scholarship

The Farrell Gean Accounting Scholarship honors the legacy of Professor Farrell Gean, a beloved member of the Pepperdine community who dedicated his career to inspiring students and fostering excellence in the field of accounting. This scholarship supports students who are pursuing a career in accounting, helping them continue their education and develop the skills needed for future success.

Urban Initiative

The Urban Initiative of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) seeks to link community partners committed to understanding and addressing the mental health and educational issues of the underserved in Los Angeles and around the world. The aim of the Urban Initiative is to develop transformative solutions to social problems that have both a humanitarian value and are grounded in problem-oriented perspectives.GSEP has a long tradition of engagement with its urban neighbors. For more than 50 years, we have been preparing teachers, administrators, and mental health workers for service in their communities. Building on that history of service, we developed the Urban Initiative to deepen the link between GSEP professional preparation programs, community partners, and the education and mental health needs of those in urban settings.The unique structure of GSEP as a graduate school of both education and psychology affords the expertise in designing interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex urban problems in both the educational and mental health spheres."For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” (Matthew 25:35 KJV). "It is incumbent upon us to serve our fellow man. The Urban Initiative continues to connect community partners and thought leaders committed to understanding and addressing the mental health and educational issues of the underserved." - Dr. Lonnie McNamee; Assistant Dean of Faculty Development & Administration Executive Director of Urban Initiative. Make a gift on this special giving day to support this initiative for changing the conditions for people in need!

Washington, D.C. Student Support