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Christine Quinlan Bishop Endowed Scholarship

65 Supporters
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Christine Quinlan Bishop Scholarship Fund for Women in Entrepreneurship

Pepperdine Graziadio Business School 

A proud Pepperdine parent, esteemed colleague, and treasured friend, Christine Q. Bishop was a dedicated member of our University community for more than 12 years. She began her career at Pepperdine in February 2011 as the director of executive associates for the Graziadio Business School. In her role, Christine supported the Campaign for Pepperdine and the business school’s strategic plan to advance key programming initiatives. A gifted fundraiser, she was part of the team that raised nearly $30 million in new resources for the Graziadio School during the campaign, creating enhancements to programs, support for academic research, and new opportunities for students. From 2014 to 2020 she also served as the director of the Graziadio Board, a dedicated group of business leaders and alumni who help to advance the reputation of the Graziadio School and advocate to external businesses and communities on behalf of the school’s interests.

In appreciation of Christine’s many years of service and devotion to Pepperdine, her family and the Graziadio Board have launched an effort to endow this newly named scholarship fund in her honor. A lifelong advocate for women in entrepreneurship, Christine’s scholarship at the Graziadio School will continue her life’s work and support generations of enterprising women.

Join the Pepperdine community in celebrating the life and legacy of Christine Bishop by making a contribution to help endow this fund.


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

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