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Dance in Flight - 30th Anniversary

15 Supporters
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Thirty years ago, 10 Pepperdine students came together to found Pepperdine University’s dance company, Dance In Flight (DIF). The company has grown into a renowned organization on campus that performs annually with many sold-out shows. Using a breadth of dance styles to captivate and fascinate audiences, DIF continues to reach new heights, surpassing its previous work year after year.

To mark this anniversary year, we invite you to join us in supporting the continued success and growth of DIF. Your gift will empower the Dance in Flight company to expand and enhance its productions, ensuring that it continues to be a source of inspiration and cultural richness for years to come. By giving today, you will further strengthen the legacy that Dance in Flight has built over the last three decades.

Your contribution not only supports the arts but also directly influences the lives of the talented and passionate students who bring these performances to life.

Join us in expressing your love for Dance in Flight and Pepperdine’s artistic community.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!