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Caruso School of Law Diversity and Belonging

Caruso School of Law Diversity and Belonging

10 Supporters
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Pepperdine Caruso School of Law believes that embracing diversity, including people of all backgrounds and identities, and enhancing the voices of our vast student body develops greater opportunities for service, helps our students find their purpose, and creates better leaders. Be part of the coalition of those saying that the law is for all of society, not just a part.

Diversity and Belonging

For too long, the law has been exclusionary. Pepperdine Caruso School of Law seeks to change that.

Informed by our faith-based values, we believe that embracing diversity, including people of all backgrounds and identities, and enhancing the voices of our vast student body develops greater opportunities for service, helps our students find their purpose, and creates better leaders.

Help us amplify the voices, convictions, and experiences of our dynamic community as a Belonging Champion. Belonging Champions are a treasured group of donors who pledge to annually support the Office of Diversity and Belonging with monetary gifts. Your support will provide student scholarships, fund diverse speakers encouraging rigorous campus dialogue, provide resources for student organizations, and help expand our programming to best serve our community. Be a part of opening possibilities and imagining a greater, more inclusive, way in the law, by becoming a Belonging Champion today. All donations will be directed through the Caruso School of Law Diversity Enhancement Fund.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!