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Pepperdine graduate

GSEP Waves of Change

273 Supporters
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About Waves of Change

Congratulations GSEP Grad! Now is your opportunity to become a GSEP Waves of Change member. Have your name highlighted in the commencement program, receive premier check-in on commencement day, and a Pepperdine donor pin to wear during the May 21 ceremony and beyond. A gift of $5 or more to the GSEP Waves of Change campaign secures these benefits and your place in the Pepperdine donor family. The campaign closes on May 21, 2022. Graduates who wish for their name to be included in the commencement program must submit a donation by May 2, 2022.

Donations support the Pepperdine GSEP Student Emergency Fund. The Fund extends a financial lifeline to students dealing with personal, health, or family emergencies so they can continue their GSEP education despite the crisis at hand. This fund has supported students with food insecurity, emergency medical support, transportation to funerals/family emergencies, assistance with gas to get to school, work or internships, and assistance with school-related supplies due to financial hardship.

Thank you for joining the Waves of Change and living out George Pepperdine's motto: 'Freely ye received, freely give.'

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!