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MSOD Faculty Research Fund

3 Supporters
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Support the MSOD Faculty Research Fund: Drive Innovation and Impact

The MSOD Faculty Research Fund fuels the innovative work of our esteemed faculty, advancing the field of Organization Development and strengthening the reputation of our MSOD program. Your support ensures that our faculty have the resources needed to produce groundbreaking research, publish influential studies, and shape best practices in the industry.

Key reasons to give:

  • Expand Our Reach: Faculty research not only enhances the MSOD program but also raises its profile globally, showcasing our leadership in driving meaningful change in organizations.

  • Support Our Thought Leaders: By contributing, you empower the faculty who have inspired and shaped MSOD students, enabling them to influence the future of OD through their cutting-edge research.

  • Shape the Future of Organizations: Faculty publications based on real-world, industry-focused research drive the change we want to see, advancing OD practices and principles worldwide.

Your gift to the MSOD Faculty Research Fund creates opportunities for impactful research that benefits the MSOD community and the broader field of Organization Development.

Join us in championing our faculty and driving innovation. Your gift will shape the future of OD and elevate the legacy of MSOD.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!