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Pepperdine Legacy Partners

64 Supporters
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As Pepperdine Legacy Partners (formerly Associated Women for Pepperdine) enters its 65th year, we are looking forward with the hope of expanding our endowment for future generations of Church of Christ students to help them attend Pepperdine. We recognize that the increasing cost of higher education is a serious concern for our students and we are committed now more than ever to help outstanding students from the Churches of Christ come to Pepperdine. By expanding our endowment we hope to be able to offer more significant scholarships annually to our students. In honor of our 65 years, our goal for this Pepperdine Gives Day is to raise $65,000 to support our current and future students.

Pepperdine Legacy Partners is the leading scholarship fundraising organization for Church of Christ students at Pepperdine University, enabling them to enhance their spiritual life on campus, to strengthen their connection to the Churches of Christ, and to go out and serve. Currently PLP awards $5,000 annually to roughly 50 students through the Helen Young Scholarship and the Andy and Debby Benton Scholarship. Our goal is to double that amount, but we can't do it without you!

PLP tells the story of friendship and fellowship that has blessed the lives of all of us who have prayed, planned, and worked together. In total, PLP has raised more than $4 million, as well as countless thousands of hours of dedicated service. Early in its founding, funds were used to help with campus improvement projects. But all money raised now is given exclusively for scholarships. But the story of PLP cannot be told in numbers; rather, it is about a meaningful Christian legacy that changes the world.

We are inviting you to renew your PLP membership, or join for the first time today with a gift of $100 or more. By making a gift of any size today, even if it's just $5.00, you will make a significant impact in helping our students further the important Church of Christ mission!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!