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Christine Quinlan Bishop Endowed Scholarship

Christine Quinlan Bishop Scholarship Fund for Women in Entrepreneurship

Pepperdine Graziadio Business School 

A proud Pepperdine parent, esteemed colleague, and treasured friend, Christine Q. Bishop was a dedicated member of our University community for more than 12 years. She began her career at Pepperdine in February 2011 as the director of executive associates for the Graziadio Business School. In her role, Christine supported the Campaign for Pepperdine and the business school’s strategic plan to advance key programming initiatives. A gifted fundraiser, she was part of the team that raised nearly $30 million in new resources for the Graziadio School during the campaign, creating enhancements to programs, support for academic research, and new opportunities for students. From 2014 to 2020 she also served as the director of the Graziadio Board, a dedicated group of business leaders and alumni who help to advance the reputation of the Graziadio School and advocate to external businesses and communities on behalf of the school’s interests.

In appreciation of Christine’s many years of service and devotion to Pepperdine, her family and the Graziadio Board have launched an effort to endow this newly named scholarship fund in her honor. A lifelong advocate for women in entrepreneurship, Christine’s scholarship at the Graziadio School will continue her life’s work and support generations of enterprising women.

Join the Pepperdine community in celebrating the life and legacy of Christine Bishop by making a contribution to help endow this fund.


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

Community Clinics

Pepperdine University's Graduate School of Education and Psychology manages three counseling clinics, which offer support to the Pepperdine and external communities. In addition to the Community Counseling Clinics, GSEP also provides counseling services to the homeless community at the Los Angeles Union Rescue Mission. Community Clinics' Mission: To improve the quality of life for children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families by providing psychological services that are founded on the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct. We are committed to providing affordable, high-quality, individualized counseling within a supportive and accepting environment. The counseling clinics are staffed by Pepperdine master's- and doctoral-level interns who are trained and supervised by licensed psychologists. The clinics offer a wide range of high-quality, affordable psychological services to individuals of all ages and backgrounds, as well as couples and families. Evaluations and therapy plans are specifically tailored for each individual client.

Dance in Flight - 30th Anniversary

Thirty years ago, 10 Pepperdine students came together to found Pepperdine University’s dance company, Dance In Flight (DIF). The company has grown into a renowned organization on campus that performs annually with many sold-out shows. Using a breadth of dance styles to captivate and fascinate audiences, DIF continues to reach new heights, surpassing its previous work year after year.

To mark this anniversary year, we invite you to join us in supporting the continued success and growth of DIF. Your gift will empower the Dance in Flight company to expand and enhance its productions, ensuring that it continues to be a source of inspiration and cultural richness for years to come. By giving today, you will further strengthen the legacy that Dance in Flight has built over the last three decades.

Your contribution not only supports the arts but also directly influences the lives of the talented and passionate students who bring these performances to life.

Join us in expressing your love for Dance in Flight and Pepperdine’s artistic community.

Florence Student Support

GSEP - Foster Grandparents Program

The Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) offers a multigenerational approach to community volunteerism by giving older adults the opportunity to volunteer with youth ranging from infancy to 21 years of age. Foster Grandparents are mentors, tutors, and friends to children with exceptional needs or circumstances. We partner with schools and community-based organizations in service planning areas (SPA) 4, 6, 7, and 8, which encompass Inglewood, Carson, Compton, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Mid City, Torrance, and Watts.We invite you to learn more about our dedicated volunteers, community partners, and the Foster Grandparent Program. Please consider supporting this life changing initiative!

GSEP Dean's Excellence Fund

The Dean's Excellence Fund is a collection of gifts from dedicated alumni and friends of Pepperdine University. Gifts to this fund allow Dean Farzin Madjidi to proactively direct funds to strategic initiatives at GSEP. These gifts are among the most important and valuable forms of support, as they are distributed where the unmet need is greatest, at the dean’s discretion, to enhance our student’s experience.

GSEP Degrees and Programs

Pepperdine's Graduate School of Education and Psychology offers master's and doctoral programs to match well-defined career tracks. Our scholar-practitioner approach to learning offers extensive practicum experience and classes taught by faculty who are professionals currently working in their areas of expertise.

GSEP Global Travel Experience Financial Support Fund

This fund will provide financial assistance to masters and doctoral students who lack funds to complete the global travel experience requirements in their program.

GSEP Student Emergency Fund

Pepperdine University's Student Care Team assesses needs on a case-by-case basis and continues to utilize the Student Emergency Fund to help mitigate any financial impact on students due to unforseen emergencies, local or global. With the support of our community, this fund has helped numerous students find emergency shelter, purchase food and supplies, and travel home during unprecedented times.

As we all learned during the pandemic, emergencies can strike at an instant. It is important as we enter this new era that we prepare our students for anything that may come their way. Your compassion and support helps us as we prepare for the unknown. Please consider joining GSEP in protecting our students by making a gift to our Student Emergency Fund. 

GSEP Student Scholarships

The Graduate School of Education and Psychology awards a number of merit- and need-based scholarships to students each year. These awards are made available through endowed funds, gifts from supporters and alumni, and allocation of University general funds. The Scholarship Committee awards scholarships based on merit, need, academic, and professional experience, as well as standardized test scores.

Make a gift today and help our students thrive!

GSEP Student Spiritual Development Fund

The Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) at Pepperdine University fully supports the University’s Christian mission and promotes spiritual development as one of the pillars of education.

Following the instruction from Proverbs 2:2, “tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding,” GSEP equally pursues learning, truth, and wisdom in the efforts to serve the needs of others.

Gifts to this arena support programs, training, and opportunities to cultivate spiritual development alongside academic engagement.

Graziadio Student Scholarships

The Graziadio Business School awards a number of merit- and need-based scholarships to students each year. These awards are made available through endowed funds, gifts from supporters and alumni, and allocation of university general funds. The Scholarship Committee awards scholarships based on merit, need, academic, and professional experience, as well as standardized test scores.

Make a gift today and help our students thrive!